Modernizing Construction: Going Digital

At Field360, our dedicated team leverages technology to provide innovative construction project management solutions, ensuring efficiency and precision for your projects.

Our Story, Our Motivation.

Like any other civil engineer, I completed my Bachelor's in Civil engineering from Gujarat Technological University. After graduation, I luckily got the opportunity to work in the world’s largest petrochemical complex where I learned key parameters of site management.

After that, I got a chance to work at the grassroots level in the real estate industry of Rajkot, Ahmedabad and Diu where I faced several problems in site management which can be solved using technology and that’s when I decided to come out of my comfort zone and develop a technology which can solve the current problems of construction industry and provide a better solution to the construction community for the future.

“Construction is the second largest Job provider in the India but still it’s the most under-innovative and unorganized industry. We are here to change this scenario.”

Are You With Us?

Meet our amazing team

Luv Mehta

Luv Mehta

Team Lead

Abhishek Mehta

Abhishek Mehta


Aditya Dixit

Aditya Dixit

Customer Sucess Manager

Dishant Makwana

Dishant Makwana


What our Clients Say?

We provide end-to-end experience on the product as well with dedicated support for premium customers.

Get in Touch

We provide end-to-end experience on the product as well with dedicated support for premium customers.

Meet our Amazing Team

Luv Mehta

LUV Mehta


Abhishek Mehta

Abhishek Mehta


Aditya Dixit

Aditya Dixit

Customer Sucess Manager

Dishant Makwana

Dishant Makwana